Over the years, we have developed and refined a proprietary process called the
D3 Formula.™
Our process integrates wealth management with risk and debt management, tax planning and philanthropy. Our goal is to take all the pieces of your financial puzzle and put them in place. Each plan and puzzle is unique. Many of those pieces are not relevant to you or your plan at this time, but as your life unfolds and your needs evolve, Segelke Financial and the D3 Formula™ follow a proven process to ensure your financial independence.
Our goal is to help you implement a plan with multiple strategies to reduce risk for all possible outcomes, without apprehension. There is no “one size fits all” solution when it comes to planning for your future. And because we’re an independent firm, we’re under no obligation to sell proprietary products or services. That means we’re objective and selective, offering only those investment products and services we believe are best suited to help meet your financial goals.